André Borges-Nielsen | AC- fuldmægtig | ADM4 | +45 93 51 09 26 | |
Frederik Dresler Borggreen | Machine Engineer | CAS | +45 20 16 89 06 | |
Sina Borgi | PhD student | DTU Physics | | |
Sebastian Borgquist | Postdoc | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 24 59 96 74 | |
Matthias Bork | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Esther Borkowski | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | |
Frederik Bjørling Bornemann | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Energy | | |
Irina Borodina | Professor | DTU Biosustain | +45 45 25 80 20 | |
Óscar Cordero Boronat | PhD Student | DTU Physics | | |
Maja Borongic | Projektkoordinator | AFRI | +45 20 68 73 96 | |
Freja Rose Borre | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Space | | |
Trine Borre | Laboratory technician | DTU Health Tech | | |
Simon Klinck Borregaard | PhD Student | DTU Electro | +45 27 14 78 10 | |
Lorenzo Borrelli | PhD Student | DTU Construct | | |
Kerstin von Borries | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | | |
Margarita Borring | Assistant engineer | DTU Space | +45 45 25 34 46 | |
Alex Müller Bort | Guest student | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Pietro Antonio Bortolozzo | IT Specialist & Coordinator, DCC | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 32 60 | |
Karina Cæsar Borum | Servicemedarbejder | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Kaj Kvisgaard Borum | Senior Development Engineer | DTU Wind | +45 31 62 71 39 | |
Mads Borup | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 89 01 | |
Sara Nordvig Borup | Student Assistant | DTU Aqua | +45 22 32 76 15 | |
Pietro Boschetto | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Mohammad Reza Boskabadi | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Michael Frellesvig Boss | Ekstern lektor | DTU Chemistry | +45 24 98 90 70 | |
Jaco Botha | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | +45 61 65 70 04 | |
Charl Pieter Botha | Lab. Technician | DTU Health Tech | +45 26 56 26 28 | |
Niccolò Bottauscio | Industrial PhD | DTU Nanolab | | |
Max Finger Bou | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | | |
Louis Boucherie | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | |
Evangelos Boukas | Associate Professor | DTU Electro | +45 52 90 17 29 | |
Pantelis Bountzis. | Process Engineer | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 50 20 91 17 | |
Astrid Lind Bouquin | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Astrid Lind Bouquin | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Space | | |
France Bourgouin | Residential Industry Fellow | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 31 41 04 53 | |
Blanca Romero Bouza | Udviklingsingeniør | DTU Wind | | |
Natalia Bovali | Hjælpelærer | DTU Sustain | | |
Peter DJ Bove | Integration lead and enterprise architect | IT Service | | |
Nicolas Bovet | Senior Researcher | DTU Offshore | | |
Anja Gadgård Boye | Director for Public Sector Service | DTU Aqua | +45 93 51 35 57 | |
Lars Knuth Satoshi Boyens-Thiele | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Kathrine Elvira Boysen | Specialkonsulent | DTU Space | | |
Christian Boysen | Energy Cluster Denmark /DTU Link | DTU Skylab | +45 61 71 86 63 | |
Eray Ulas Bozkurt | PhD student | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 03 25 | |
Anna Maria Bracio | Research Assistant | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 93 51 17 69 | |
Samuel Alan Bradley | Postdoctoral Researcher | DTU Biosustain | +45 53 34 94 22 | |
Francisca Sousa Braga | Industrial PhD | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Cláudia Braga | Postdoc | DTU Chemistry | | |
Marta Braghetto | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Eric Brand | PhD student | DTU Energy | | |
Mads Brandbyge | Professor | DTU Physics | +45 45 25 63 28 | |
David Brander | Associate Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 52 | |
Keith Brander | Emeritus | DTU Aqua | | |
Marco Brander | PhD student | DTU Construct | +45 22 39 42 34 | |
Søren Kristian Brandt | Associate Professor Emeritus | DTU Space | +45 23 26 51 84 | |
Heidi Kongsgaard Brandt | Project Controller | ADM5 | | |
Mia Strauss Brandt | PhD Coordinator | DTU Energy | +45 93 59 68 50 | |
Ole Brandt | Systemadministrator | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 38 93 | |
Alexander Thomas Brandt | Student Worker | DTU Construct | | |
Magnus Brandt-Møller | Industrial PhD | DTU Space | | |
Kim Branner | Head of Section | DTU Wind | +45 23 65 32 70 | |
Valentas Brasas | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Jonatan Bohr Brask | Associate Professor | DTU Physics | +45 30 24 88 92 | |
Peter Brauer | Professor | DTU Space | +45 45 25 35 93 | |
Mathilde Norup Bredberg | Laboratory Trainee | DTU Sustain | | |
Hanne Breddam | Residential Industry Fellow | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 42 75 19 44 | |
Henrik Bredmose | Professor | DTU Wind | +45 45 25 43 15 | |
Lea Bredsdorff | Senior adviser | DTU National Food Institute | +45 35 88 75 22 | |
Ilia Breev | Postdoc | DTU Physics | +45 71 68 04 22 | |
Axel Bogdan Bregnsbo | Research Engineer | DTU Physics | +45 61 78 22 67 | |
Morten Breinholm | Teamleder BI & MDM | IT Service | +45 20 66 97 34 | |
Kamilla Ankær Brejndal | Videnskabelig assistent | DTU Health Tech | | |
Sarah Kofoed Brejnrod | AC-fuldmægtig | ADM4 | +45 51 15 74 66 | |
Katrine Rosholt Bremholm | Head of Administration | DTU Energy | +45 93 59 68 64 | |
Alma Frida Wasli Bremild | Service Employee | DTU Construct | | |
Alexander Riff Brems | Guest Researcher | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Jaron Brender | Project Manager | CAS | +45 51 15 74 83 | |
Lin Chang Brendstrup | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Kevin Brennan | Postdoc | DTU Physics | | |
Taja Andersen Brenneche | Academic Officer | AKM | +45 45 25 10 57 | |
Luca Breseghello | Postdoc | DTU Engineering Technology | | |
Christian Brinch | Associate Professor | DTU National Food Institute | +45 53 66 64 42 | |
Maja Lykke Brinch | PhD student | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Julius Emil Brinck | PhD student | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Anders Brink | IT Administrator | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 17 27 | |
Andreas Brink-Kjær | Assistant Professor | DTU Health Tech | | |
Eik Ehlert Britsch | Electronic Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 35 88 32 33 | |
Berit Cecilie Brix | Proceskoordinator - Ladyboss | Arcanic | | |
Peter Aagaard Brixen | Chefkonsulent, journalist | AKM | +45 28 76 33 01 | |
Tobias Stenbæk Bro | Communications Officer | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 07 54 | |
Frederik Simonsen Bro | Postdoc | DTU Chemistry | +45 51 41 54 48 | |
Ole Broberg | Lektor, emeritus | DTU Engineering Technology | | |
Louise Juel Broch | Koordinator | ADM5 | | |
Mette Bybjerg Brock | Industrial Post doc | DTU Physics | | |
Kim Brockdorff | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 45 25 90 24 | |
Johannes Lundin Brockdorff | Senior Executive Officer | AFRI | +45 22 82 29 01 | |
Sebastian Brockmann | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | +4915156194734 | |
Stine Work Brodersen | Specialkonsulent | AFRI | +45 22 33 82 97 | |
Kim Brodthagen | Chauffør | CAS | +45 46 77 40 61 | |
Jes Broeng | Director, Professor | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 24 25 38 35 | |